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Albin Lee Meldau - Hold Your Head Up

I know your appearance matters to you
You won't take no hand out and no fake smiling too
This is more than a bad day, it's bad all through
Had someone to lean heavy on, need you more than I should do

But I need you holding on

Get back up, hold your head up
That's enough, hold your head up
Don't go down
Don't go down
Get back up, you're my armor
You're my luck, turn that corner
Can't go down
You can't go down
A day walking downtown and a new pair of shoes
Not doing anything, it's just me and you
Everyone struggles for a day or two
You're really not alone here, this is me drowning too

And I need you more than words can say

Get back up, hold your head up
That's enough, hold your head up
Don't go down
Don't go down
Get back up, you're my armor
You're my luck, turn that corner
Can't go down
You can't go down

Get back up, hold your head up
That's enough, hold your head up
Don't go down
Don't go down
Get back up, you're my armor
You're my luck, turn that corner
Can't go down
You can't go down
Can't go down

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