Doop - Ridin'
I'll set your ride on on a storm
I'll set you ridin on a storm
I'll set your ride on on a storm
I'll set you ridin on a storm Don't you know that love will find you
Wherever you are
I'm in love and you're crushing
Everything you are
Don't you know that love will find you
Wherever you are
I'm in love and you're crushing
Everything you are
I'll set your ride on on a storm
I'll set you ridin on a storm
I'll set your ride on on a storm
I'll set you ridin on a storm
I'll set you ridin on a storm
I'll set your ride on on a storm
I'll set you ridin on a storm Don't you know that love will find you
Wherever you are
I'm in love and you're crushing
Everything you are
Don't you know that love will find you
Wherever you are
I'm in love and you're crushing
Everything you are
I'll set your ride on on a storm
I'll set you ridin on a storm
I'll set your ride on on a storm
I'll set you ridin on a storm heeft toestemming van Stichting FEMU om deze songtekst te tonen.
De songteksten mogen niet anders dan voor privedoeleinden gebruikt worden, iedere andere verspreiding van de songteksten is niet toegestaan.