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Abba - Hasta Manana

Where is the spring and the summer
That once was yours and mine?
Where did it go?
I just don't know
But still my love for you will live forever

Hasta mañana, 'til we meet again
Don't know where, don't know when
Darling, our love was much too strong to die
We'll find a way to face a new tomorrow
Hasta mañana, say we'll meet again
I can't do without you
Time to forget, send me a letter
Say you forgive, the sooner the better
Hasta mañana, baby, hasta mañana, until then
Where is the dream we were dreaming
And all the nights we shared
Where did they go?
I just don't know
And I can't tell you just how much I miss you

Hasta mañana, 'til we meet again
Don't know where, don't know when
Darling, our love was much too strong to die
We'll find a way to face a new tomorrow
Hasta mañana, say we'll meet again
I can't do without you
Time to forget, send me a letter
Say you forgive, the sooner the better
Hasta mañana, baby, hasta mañana, until then
Hasta mañana, say we'll meet again
I can't do without you
Time to forget, sentd me a letter
Say you forgive, the sooner the better
Hasta mañana, baby, hasta mañana, until then

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