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A - If It Ain't Broke, Fix It Anyway

Coming back at you, record number two, what a way to start the day
Thinking big enough, with a stronger look
Got no back up plan in case we blow it

It's all the same old stuff, they think it's good enough
"It works" and nobody gets hurt
It happens every time, like anybody minds
They're telling me, "it's just the way it works"

Too much work to do, rocking, new improved, we keep it in the family
It's not over, 'till it's over anyway
It ain't broke so fix it anyway

Got a second chance and a fresh advance, what a way to start the week
Sack the formula, there's no need to bother
Got no backup plan, so let's not blow it

It's all the same old stuff, they think it's good enough
"It works" and nobody gets hurt
It happens every time, like anybody minds
They're telling me, "it's just the way it works"

It's not over, 'till it's over anyway
It ain't broke so fix it anyway

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