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Abigor - Tu Es Diaboli Juna

My thoughts have never been this cold in life
But never again I'll live and breathe amongst mortals
You've summoned me once
And my rise is your torment...
Your immortality was that close to you
As close as your death now
And now I watch you die my mortal slaves
I cause realities end...
Listen - a whispering, a crying
Some vague and pulsing imprint
Of long - ago suffering and death
Thousands will be perished in smoke and ashes
Imagine your lifetime back when you were born
It's lost...
All over the world your kind will be destroyed
This is my rebirth - don't cry...
Tu Es Diaboli Juna
Du wirst dich immer erinneren -
An diese Nacht voller endloser Schmerzen
Sanctus Satanas Ave Satanas
Rege Satanas Dominus Satanas
Bezeugt meinen Ritus Bezeugt meinen Sieg
Es ist vollbracht

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