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Brand New Heavies - Shelter

I was born in the city
There's no flies on me
Life can't deliver
No surprise to me
Got a head full of trouble
The world's weight on my back
I'm a fighter
I survive like that

I'm a modern enigma
I am living proof
Cold eyes speaking volumes
Of my troubled youth
I believe in the future
>From mistakes I have grown
Leaving the shadows
Which were once my home

Need your hand to help me over
Need your shoulder
Need your light to bring me closer
To your shelter

Been so long in the bitter
City air I breath
See na million believers
Cry in disbelief
I won't give in to the pressure
Keep my spirit intact
'Cause I know when I need you
You will watch my back

Need your hand to help me over
Need your shoulder
Need light to bring me closer
To your shelter
Need your hand to help me over
Need your shoulder
Need your light to bring me closer
To your shelter

They can't take you away from me
When they try it only makes me stronger
Through the dark it's your light I see
Helping to show me the way

Knowing I'll be safe in your shelter
Knowing I'll be safe in your shelter
Knowing I'll be safe in your shelter
Knowing I'll be safe in your shelter

Repeat Chorus Once

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