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Kane - What If

Hold my head up, spin me round.
Hold my head up, spin me round.
Fill my head with silence,
Till I'm over you and gone.
There's no ending now you're here,
Take me far away from me.
Fill my head with silence,
Till I'm over you and gone.

So what if my heart won't wait,
What if tonight I stayed?

Oh, what if I stayed here?
What if your arms would hold me for life?
What if you didn't need me?
Oh, what if I stayed here?
Hold my head up, spin me round.
Hold me up until I'm found.
And fill my head with silence,
Till I'm over you again.

So what if tonight I sailed away,
What if I gave my life away,
And what if I stumbled home.

Oh, what if I stayed here?
What if my life came thumbling down,
And what if you didn't see me?
So what if I stayed here....

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