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Kane - My Hearts Desire

She knows the words are cold
And the heart's on fire
Trapped by these walls of steel
In a world on fire
Crushed by her words so true
Torn by her eyes so blue
And my hearts' desire

Run from the darkest moon
And take me higher
Just let it go, let it flow
Let it speak till you know
That I'm on fire
And turn when you cannot see
The truth here inside of me
And I who oh oh I see you when you're here whohoho
I who oh oh I see you when you're here
Who oh oh
So tear down these walls of pain
And take it higher
So let it come, let it come
Just let it speak from the heart
Coz I'm on fire
Run when you cannot stay
Just run when you cannot stay
Coz I, who oh oh I see you when you're here
Who oh oh I who oh oh I see you when you're here who oh oh

So let it come down, just let it come down
Oh I and oh I who oh oh
I see you when you're here
Who oh oh I
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

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