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Kane - Our Hearts Will Beat As One

From this day on
I will be there for you
From this day on
The crosses that I'll bear
I will now bear for you
From this day on
The choices that I'll make
Are the choices for our unborn children's lives
Oh, oh, oh... For the day has come
When our hearts will beat as one
From this day on
My life will never part
From what I see in you
From this day on
Vows taken from the heart
I will be there for you
From this day on
These promises I make
We're the fathers of our unborn children's lives
Oh, oh, oh... For the day has come
When our hearts will beat as one
From this day on
Your life won't be the same
Cause I'm here for you
So take it all
Take everything I own
Cause it's here for you
From this day on
Our blood will never part
Wer're the mothers of our unborn children's lives
Oh, oh, oh... For the day has come
When our hearts will beat as one
From this day on
Your life won't show a sign
Of what they've done to you
From this day on
Forgivness springs from blame
And it's here for you
From this day on
Our lives will never part
It's the promise to our unborn children's lives
Oh, oh, oh... For the day has come
When our hearts will beat as one

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