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Eve 6 - Leech

Eve 6

Tell those stories to me
I'm dying to hear all the things you've done and seen
Farfetched as they may be
You strike a smile in me
Your stories ring of perjury
Construed with self empowering theme
Suckin' on my brain your the teacher I'm the student
Turning things aroundyour story's not congruend
Tabloid decoys pitiful excuses
Turning things around You're turning things around
A manic stunning scene
I'm taking notes you're taking me away into your false reality
I know your comfort lies in lying to try to make your life make sense
But you're not making sense
I'd say it aloud but I'm not aloud
I see your head spin 'round and 'round
Broken records talk tonight skip that needle back and forth
On your mind wearing out unconvincing lies
Like a seedling dropped from an old oak tree
Your shades don't hide no sun from me
Fake stories humer me
It's graduation time
I love you like a mother

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