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Linkin Park - Faint (demo 2002)

Before I say goodbye
Just as the first day turn to night
Just as the concrete turned to dust
And the steel turned into rust

All I could think is I need a way to dig through the damage
Couldn’t think of a way to get trough this
Now see you taking advantage
And I found another reason to do this

I’m digging us a hole to travel trough
I wanna find a way to rattle you
You wanna try to hear the thunder hit
You’re gonna have to follow me under it
Let go
It’s begun
Close your eyes
I’m not done
Breathe a word
Waste your breathe
And keep it up ‘till there’s nothing left

That I said goodbye
Just as the darkness turned to light
Just as the next light turns to day
And the world gets underway

All I can see is the anticipation
Waiting to take this out on the wind and the raindrops
And I waited patiently taking it in
Ready for the first of the face offs
I’m digging us a hole to travel trough
I wanna find a way to rattle you
You wanna try to hear the thunder hit
You’re gonna have to follow me under it
Let go
It’s begun
Close your eyes
I’m not done
Breathe a word
Waste your breathe
And keep it up ‘till there’s nothing left

I’m digging us a hole to travel trough
I wanna find a way to rattle you
You wanna try to hear the thunder hit
You’re gonna have to follow me under it

I’m digging us a hole to travel trough
I wanna find a way to rattle you
You wanna try to hear the thunder hit
You’re gonna have to follow me under it

I’m digging us a hole to travel trough
I wanna find a way to rattle you
You wanna try to hear the thunder hit
You’re gonna have to follow me under it

Let go
It’s begun
Close your eyes
I’m not done
Breathe a word
And waste your breathe
And keep it up ‘till there’s nothing left

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