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Orange Blue - Morocco

I dreamt I was in Morocco
Strange odours were in the air
And I was in love with a princess
With black curly hair

I dreamt I was in Morocco
And haunted was every way
The princess was abducted
And I was forced to stay

Now I'm back
With no princess by my side
There ain't no cure
For my restless, lonely nights

And now I'm back
With a princess on my mind
I wish I could go back in dreams
And I go on to find her

I dreamt I was in Morocco
I was searching in dark despair
Felt some people's eyes on me
But their hearts didn't care
My heart is still in Morocco
Still wounded still wandering around
Still in the princess's possession
Still keeping its ground

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Based on your geographical location [US] we, on request of our licencer, unfortunately can't give you access to the lyrics.

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