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Missy Elliott - In Real Life

In real life, I'm waking up alone
And it's one more night
You didn't make it home
And one more time, you won't pick up the phone

In real life, you never bring me flowers
When you're here, it's only for an hour
I'm getting used to being on my own

Because in real life
You're not what I thought
Real life, this isn't what I want
Guess things aren't always what they seem

But in my dreams I'm waking up to roses
Champagne, kisses and I know it's always
Always gonna be, gonna be this way

In my dreams you're standing right beside me
Two hearts finally colliding, then I wake up
And realize, realize, this is real life
Real life, this is real life, real life (real life) real life

In real life, it doesn't always work out
People fall, and loving than they fall out
Hearts can break and never make a sound
Because in real life,
You're not what I thought
Real life, this isn't what I want
Guess things aren't always what they seem

But in my dreams I'm waking up to roses
Champagne, kisses and I know it's always
Always gonna be, gonna be this way

In my dreams you're standing right beside me
Two hearts finally colliding, then I wake up
And realize, realize, this is real life
Real life, this is real life

Just when I thought this was all real life could be yeah
Somebody came along and made the dream reality

And now in real life I'm waking up to roses.
Champagne, kisses and I know it's always
Always gonna be, gonna be this way

In my dreams he's standing right beside me
Wwo hearts finally colliding
When I wake up, I realize
Realize this is real life

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