Natalia Druyts - Overdrive
A rough rider, a high flyer
Nothing's gonna stand in my way
A deep hunger
It's no wonder
I'm a step ahead of the game
No surrender, no defeat
I can taste the victory
You'll never kill the beast in me
I begin to smell the fear
Get ready for the after-tears
There's only one winner in here
It’s time to stand my ground
I'm going overdrive
I'm kicking the floor
And knocking down all of the doors
Now it's quiet on the other side
I'm going overdrive First strike now, won't back down
I'm ready and I'm up for the fight
Blood’s pumping, crowd’s jumping
Gonna show you something tonight
Don't you dare to surround me
I can take you all on my own
I got a fistful of fire
I’ll knock you into the unknown
Nothing's gonna stand in my way
A deep hunger
It's no wonder
I'm a step ahead of the game
No surrender, no defeat
I can taste the victory
You'll never kill the beast in me
I begin to smell the fear
Get ready for the after-tears
There's only one winner in here
It’s time to stand my ground
I'm going overdrive
I'm kicking the floor
And knocking down all of the doors
Now it's quiet on the other side
I'm going overdrive First strike now, won't back down
I'm ready and I'm up for the fight
Blood’s pumping, crowd’s jumping
Gonna show you something tonight
Don't you dare to surround me
I can take you all on my own
I got a fistful of fire
I’ll knock you into the unknown heeft toestemming van Stichting FEMU om deze songtekst te tonen.
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