Oasis - Little James
Little James
We're all the same
Always seem to look to us
We weren't meant to be grown ups
Thank you for your smile
You make it all worth while
To us
Live for your toys
Even though they make noise
Have you ever played with plastercine
Even tried a trampoline
Thank you for your smile
You make it all worth while
To us
I'm singing this song
For you and yer mom
And that's all
It won't be long
Before everyone is gone
Sailed the sea
Yer mom you and me
You swam the oceans like a child
Laughed aloud just once a while
Thank you for your smile
You make it all worth while
To us
I'm singing this song
For you and yer mom
And that's all
It won't be long
Before everyone is gone
We're all the same
Always seem to look to us
We weren't meant to be grown ups
Thank you for your smile
You make it all worth while
To us
Live for your toys
Even though they make noise
Have you ever played with plastercine
Even tried a trampoline
Thank you for your smile
You make it all worth while
To us
I'm singing this song
For you and yer mom
And that's all
It won't be long
Before everyone is gone
Sailed the sea
Yer mom you and me
You swam the oceans like a child
Laughed aloud just once a while
Thank you for your smile
You make it all worth while
To us
I'm singing this song
For you and yer mom
And that's all
It won't be long
Before everyone is gone
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