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Westlife - Ain't That A Kick In The Head

How lucky can one guy be?
I kissed her and she kissed me
Like the fella once said,
"ain't that a kick in the head?"
The room was completely black,
I hugged her and she hugged back
Like the sailor said, quote,
"ain't that a hole in the boat?"

My head keeps spinning,
I go to sleep and keep grinning
If this is just the beginning,
My life is gonna be bee-yoo-tee-ful

I've sunshine enough to spread,
It's just like the fella said
Tell me quick, ain't love a kick in the head?
Like the fella once said,
"ain't that a kick in the head?"
Like the sailor said, quote,
"ain't that a hole in the boat?"

My head keeps spinning,
I go to sleep and keep grinning
If this is just the beginning,
My life is gonna be bee-yoo-tee-ful

She's telling' me we'll be wed,
She's picked out a king-size bed
I couldn't feel any better or I’d be sick
Tell me quick oh, ain't love a kick?
Tell me quick ain't love a kick in the head?

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