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Robbie Williams - Heaven From Here

Know no fear
I'll still be here tomorrow
Bend my ear
I'm not gonna go away
You are love, so why do you shed a tear?
Know no fear
You will see heaven from here

I'll shelter you
I make it alright to cry
And you'll help too
'Cos the faith in myself has run dry
We are love and I just wanna hold you near
Know no fear
We will see heaven from here
I see real love in your eyes
And it fills me up when you start to cry

I just wanna hold you near
We will see heaven from here

Well it all seems out of reach
I will take the blame
If it keeps the peace
My shelf-life's short
Wish they'd make it more easy to follow
And I've been caught
With nothing but love on my mind
We are love
Don't let it fall on deaf ears
Now it's clear
We have seen heaven from here

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