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Robbie Williams - Deceptacon

Microwave yourself today,
save you for a rainy day.
Hello Deceptacon,
this will not be going away.

From all of us here to all over there,
we wish you all of the best,
all of the years she said
"Well, he's never been quite bright"
and I know we'll be stepping on eggshells tonight.

And all over Britain,
we wait for permission
to form another queue.
We stand in position,
though somebody's listening,
and that somebody's you.
But what can I do?

"I love you but I don't like you right now"
is all she had to say.
Hello Deceptacon,
I will not be going away.
From all of us here to all over there,
we wish you all of the best,
all of the years she said
"Only you can make it right".
But I'll stop stepping on eggshells tonight

And all over Britain,
we wait for permission
to form another queue.
We stand in position,
though somebody's listening,
and that somebody's you.
But what can I do?

Send my best to all concerned,
I know I've been a gracious host.
Goodbye Deceptacon.

Who are you?
Who are you?
Who are you?
What are you to be?
What can I do for you?
What can you do for me?
Who are you?
What are you to be?

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Based on your geographical location [US] we, on request of our licencer, unfortunately can't give you access to the lyrics.

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