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Robbie Williams - By All Means Necessary

Canned laughter for applause
You`ve opened doors
In and out of their wives
In and out of your smalls
It`s not a BAFTA you`re after
You want a million dollar lay
By all means necessary
You will get your way
It all seems so easy
But so are you
That`s what I`ve heard them say

All the make up that you wear
Can`t hide the flaws
Your work in charity for your own cause
You won`t be dating a teacher
You`d rather shag a manic street preacher
By all means necessary
You will get your way

It all seems so easy
But so are you
That`s what I`ve heard them say

Sex with a stranger
You`ve been laid in a manger
And you think he`s your saviour
Will he leave his pager?
You could be his daughter
Look what he`s bought ya
But the money won`t change ya
Of that there`s no danger

Now your life`s gettin` darker
It`s you that they`re after
Fifteen minutes a martyr
Blame it on your father

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