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Robbie Williams - All That I Want

Maybe you know, you should cause it shows
Caught me looking at your legs, see through your clothes
I hold you goodbye just a little too long
We don’t act like it’s wrong

See where you’ve been, you looked to the side
Not in the eyes, no not in his eyes anymore
His eyes

I know the secret skinned you alive
But the heart has chosen

All that I want
Is to pick you up and out of that dress
Carry it to the depths
And feel the sin of your flesh
It’s all that I want

Arching your back with that look on your face
All that need’s an hour and space
When did it change?
I guess when we started sweeping on the carpet

I’ll talk you to sleep
And no one will know
He an old heart so he can’t change his soul anymore
Your soul
I know the secret skinned you alive
But the heart has chosen

All that I want
Is to pick you up and out of that dress
Carry it to the depths
Feel the sin of your flesh

Now I confess
Do you think of me less?
Get it off your chest
But if you wear that dress
You are the one

And I wanna tear your clothes off baby
But you be homeless in your heart

All that I want
Is to pick you up and out of that dress
Carry it to the depths
Feel the sin of your flesh

Now I confess
Do you think of me less?
Get it off your chest
But if you wear that dress
You are the one

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