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Nicole Kidman - Well Did You Evah

Have you heard?
The coast of Maine just got caught in a hurricane?
Well did you evah?
What a swell party this is!
Have you heard that poor dear Blanche got run down by an avalanche?
Well, did you evah?
What a swell party this is!
What daiquiris!
What sherry, please!
What burgundy!
What pommery!
Have you heard?
Professor Munch ate his wife and divorced his lunch?
Well, did you evah?
What a swell party this is!
Missus Smith in her new Hup crossed the bridge when the bridge was up,
Well, did you evah?
What a swell part this is!
What brandy, wow!
What whiskey, here's how!
What gin and what beer,
will you sober up, dear?

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