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ZZ Top - Rough Boy

What in the world`s come all over me?
I ain`t got a chance of one in three.
Ain`t got no rap, ain`t got no line
but if you`ll give me just a minute I`ll be feelin` fine.

I am the one who can fade the heat,
the one they all say just can`t be beat.
I`ll shoot it to you straight and look you in the eye.
So gimme just a minute and I`ll tell you why
I`m a rough boy, I`m a rough boy.

I don`t care how you look at me
because I`m the one and you will see
we can make it work, we can make it by.
So give me one more minute and I`ll tell you why
I`m a rough boy, I`m a rough boy.

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