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The Vines - Ride

That`s the start, the middle, and the end
Aren`t you glad the universe pretends
If I don`t get this message home
Once again I`m gonna head along
Ride with me
Ride with me
Ride with me home
Ride with me
Ride with me
Ride with me unless you

Thought a lot ignored the right to be
Lie me down because we like to see
The colours through your loaded mind
Fuck the world and liberate our time

Ride with me
Ride with me
Ride with me home
Ride with me
Ride with me
Ride with me home

I`m not waiting a long life
I`m not waiting alone

Ride with me
Ride with me
Ride with me home
Ride with me
Ride with me
Ride with me home

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