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Rihanna - Take Care

Know you’ve been hurt by someone else
I can tell by the way you carry yourself
If you let me, here’s what I’ll do
I’ll take care of you, I’ve loved and I’ve lost

I’ve asked about you and they’ve told me things
But my mind didn’t changing, I still feel the same
A life with no fun, please don’t be so ashamed
I’ve had mine, you’ve had yours we both know
We know, they don’t get you like I will, my only wish is I die real
'Cause that truth hurts, and those lies heal and you can’t sleep thinking that he lies still
So you cry still, tears all in the pillow case, big girls all get a little taste
Pushing me away so I give her space, feelin' with a heart that I didn’t break
I’ll be there for you, I will care for you, I keep thanking you, just don’t know
Try to run from that, say you’re done with that, on your face girl, it just don’t show
When you’re ready, just say you’re ready, when all the baggage just ain’t as heavy
And the parties over, just don’t forget me, we’ll change the pace and just go slow
Won’t ever have to worry, you won’t ever have to hide
If you seen all my mistakes, so look me in my eyes
'Cause if you let me, here’s what I’ll do
I’ll take care of you, I’ve loved and I’ve lost

It’s my birthday, I get high if I want to, can’t deny that I want to, but I lie if have to
'Cause you don’t say you love me, to your friends when they ask you
Even though we both know that you do, you do, one time, been in love one time
You and all your girls in the club one time, all so convinced that you’re following your heart
'Cause your mind don’t control what it does sometimes
We all have our nights though, don’t be so ashamed
I’ve had mine, you’ve had yours, we both know, we know
You hate being alone, you ain’t the only one
You hate the fact that you bought the dream and they sold you one
You love your friends but somebody shoulda told you somin’ to save you

Know you’ve been hurt by someone else
I can tell by the way you carry yourself
If you let me, here’s what I’ll do
I’ll take care of you, I’ve loved and I’ve lost

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