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Mireille - Tonight

and everytime to speak to me
yes you
you can see it in my eyes
it's because of you

When I closed my eyes
I see the sky
I can see the sky with you
and I

And you're not so cool
but I like you more
and you're not so real
but I can see you...

in the sky!
and every morning, and every night
m... tonight!
I can fly!
I can fly to you...
and I see you... mmm... tonight!

and every moment you can see
what I do *oe*
and every moment you can see
I who I speak to

And you're not so cool
but I like you more
and you're not so real
but I can see you...


But sometimes can't see you...
in the morning or night
then I sing a song... about you... and then... you are there...

chorus 2x

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