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Paramore - Hello hello

Hello, hello, is anyone home?
Hello, hello, just pick up the phone.

I opened up my life to you
I've told you everything I knew
You listen so close
You listen so close when love was just a way out

But you're going deaf now
Yeah you've turned your head around

Hello, hello, is anyone home?
Hello, hello, just pick up the phone.
You'll be sorry to hear, I'm doing fine now.
Sorry to hear, you're without me now.

You blew up the world I built for us
Destroyed our secret universe
Threw out the trust I put in you
Making me feel like I'd been used
And now I'm reminded
That I was just blinded.

Hello, hello, is anyone home?
Hello, hello, just pick up the phone.
You'll be sorry to hear, I'm doing fine now.
Sorry to hear, you're without me now.

I'm doing fine, you'll be alright
Maybe you'll think of me tonight...
You're doing fine, I'll be alright
Just give me time, yeah...

Hello, hello, is anyone home?
Hello, hello, just pick up the phone.
I don't want to hear you're doing fine
Don't wanna hear I'm without you now.

I'm without you now

I’m without you

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