Does it offend you, yeah? - With a heavy heart (I regret to inform you)
I loved her
He whispered
He had to tame her
Then forgave her
Did you know her?
He whispered
Did they embrace her? Oh...
Have I condemned her
Oh, God
Oh, God
Oh, God
Oh, God
Oh, God
Oh, God
She won't be there with a rattle I lost her
He christened
We obtained her
But I erase her
I'll pay for her wayward eyes
I'll pay for her wayward eyes
Oh, God
She won't be there with a rattle
(Oh, God)
She won't be there with a rattle
He whispered
He had to tame her
Then forgave her
Did you know her?
He whispered
Did they embrace her? Oh...
Have I condemned her
Oh, God
Oh, God
Oh, God
Oh, God
Oh, God
Oh, God
She won't be there with a rattle I lost her
He christened
We obtained her
But I erase her
I'll pay for her wayward eyes
I'll pay for her wayward eyes
Oh, God
She won't be there with a rattle
(Oh, God)
She won't be there with a rattle heeft toestemming van Stichting FEMU om deze songtekst te tonen.
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