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Dana - All Kinds Of Everything

Snowdrops and daffodils
Butterflies and bees
Sailboats and fishermen
Things of the sea
Wishing wells
Wedding bells
Early morning dew
All kinds of everything remind me of you

Seagulls and aeroplanes
Things of the sky
Winds that go howlin'
Breezes that sigh
City sights
Neon lights
Grey skies or blue
All kinds of everything remind me of you
Spring and autumn too
Tuesday every day
I think of you
Things of the night
Sunshine and holidays
Postcards to write
Budding trees
Autumn leaves
A snowflake or two
All kinds of everything remind me of you

Spring and autumn too
Seasons will never change
The way that I love you

Things of the night
Sunshine and holidays
Postcards to write
Budding trees
Autumn leaves
A snowflake or two
All kinds of everything remind me of you
All kinds of everything remind me of you

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