Orchestra of Death - One Solution
some days are empty
some days are not
just remeber when you need someone
there`s no one you got
jalousy is taking her part she `s driving everybody away from you
fake illusions, fake ideas
i know how it feels
i`ve been there to
crying,praying,silence is here now
it comes fast and than it`s gone
all alone again
so many times i`ve told you...
there`s just one solution
you know you have to
i know you want to
you can`t hide
you cant`t run
join us...in death
why won`t you do it
you`re in a circle of lies
there`s one way to break this doomd circle
and that`s to die
there`s just one solution
you know you want to
i know you have to
there`s one way to break this circle...
and that`s death
some days are not
just remeber when you need someone
there`s no one you got
jalousy is taking her part she `s driving everybody away from you
fake illusions, fake ideas
i know how it feels
i`ve been there to
crying,praying,silence is here now
it comes fast and than it`s gone
all alone again
so many times i`ve told you...
there`s just one solution
you know you have to
i know you want to
you can`t hide
you cant`t run
join us...in death
why won`t you do it
you`re in a circle of lies
there`s one way to break this doomd circle
and that`s to die
there`s just one solution
you know you want to
i know you have to
there`s one way to break this circle...
and that`s death
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