Formosa - Done to me
They found me
They're waiting for a sign to
come and get me
All they ever do
is see right through me
And all i ever want
is to be happy
But they don't give a shit
Look what they've done to me
Look what they've done to me
Look what they've done to me
Look what they've done
And i wanna know
why you've done this to me
And i wanna know
why we do anything
The moral of every story says
to be yourself
And here you are
trying to turn me into someone else Look what they've done to me
Look what they've done to me
Look what they've done to me
Look what they've done
They found me
They're waiting for a sign to
come and get me
All they ever do
is see right through me
And all i ever want
is to be happy
But they don't give a shit
Look what they've done to me
Look what they've done to me
Done to me
Look what they've done to me
Look what they've done to me
Look what they've done ...
They're waiting for a sign to
come and get me
All they ever do
is see right through me
And all i ever want
is to be happy
But they don't give a shit
Look what they've done to me
Look what they've done to me
Look what they've done to me
Look what they've done
And i wanna know
why you've done this to me
And i wanna know
why we do anything
The moral of every story says
to be yourself
And here you are
trying to turn me into someone else Look what they've done to me
Look what they've done to me
Look what they've done to me
Look what they've done
They found me
They're waiting for a sign to
come and get me
All they ever do
is see right through me
And all i ever want
is to be happy
But they don't give a shit
Look what they've done to me
Look what they've done to me
Done to me
Look what they've done to me
Look what they've done to me
Look what they've done ... heeft toestemming van Stichting FEMU om deze songtekst te tonen.
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