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Ivy League - Tossing and turning

I can't sleep at night, tossing and turning
I turn on the light, then while it's burning
I think of all the things that we do
And all the reasons why I love you
Tossing and turning
Ah tossing and turning all night

In my memory there is confusion
Was that you and me or an illusion?
Was I really holding you tight?
Did I really kiss you goodnight?
Tossing and turning
Ah tossing and turning all night
What you're gonna do at night
Nobody to hold you tight are you're lonely
Dongt you know that I get lonely too
And I'm blaming you

When we meet again, maybe tomorrow
You will smile and then goodbye the sorrow
We'll be lovers just as before
I guess I'll never sleep anymore
Tossing and turning
Ah tossing and turning all night

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