Beyonce - Ice Cream Truck
Feels like I'm losing my mind
Love is so hard to find
You let me on to believe; you belong to me
I'm going through difficult times
I always thought you were mine
Love doesn't feel like this, this is my final wish
The next time your truck rolls by
No matter how hard I cry
Please don't stop in front of me
Cause your loves no longer sweet
The next time I bring you change
Baby please pull back ya hand
You know you’re not what I need
Let me go, let me do B
You got me chasing after you like an ice cream truck,
I try my luck and catch up, but it's always out of luck
(An my heart just melts)
Faster and faster I ran
You sped up and then
Just as I thought I've caught up
I'm chasing you again finally,
You stopped and I jumped on
I realized the flavor was wrong
You thought that I was still holding on
You looked an I was gon’ The next time your truck rolls by
No matter how hard I cry
Please don't stop in front of me
Cause your loves no longer sweet
The next time I bring you change
Baby please pull back ya hand
You know you’re not what I need
Let me go, let me do B
You got me chasing after you like an ice cream truck,
I try my luck and catch up, but it's always out of luck
(An my heart just melts)
You got me chasing you, I try my luck, I can’t caught up
Cause you got me chasing you, my hearts melting its like ice cream
You got me chasing after you like an ice cream truck,
I try my luck and catch up, but it's always out of luck
(An my heart just melts)
Love is so hard to find
You let me on to believe; you belong to me
I'm going through difficult times
I always thought you were mine
Love doesn't feel like this, this is my final wish
The next time your truck rolls by
No matter how hard I cry
Please don't stop in front of me
Cause your loves no longer sweet
The next time I bring you change
Baby please pull back ya hand
You know you’re not what I need
Let me go, let me do B
You got me chasing after you like an ice cream truck,
I try my luck and catch up, but it's always out of luck
(An my heart just melts)
Faster and faster I ran
You sped up and then
Just as I thought I've caught up
I'm chasing you again finally,
You stopped and I jumped on
I realized the flavor was wrong
You thought that I was still holding on
You looked an I was gon’ The next time your truck rolls by
No matter how hard I cry
Please don't stop in front of me
Cause your loves no longer sweet
The next time I bring you change
Baby please pull back ya hand
You know you’re not what I need
Let me go, let me do B
You got me chasing after you like an ice cream truck,
I try my luck and catch up, but it's always out of luck
(An my heart just melts)
You got me chasing you, I try my luck, I can’t caught up
Cause you got me chasing you, my hearts melting its like ice cream
You got me chasing after you like an ice cream truck,
I try my luck and catch up, but it's always out of luck
(An my heart just melts) heeft toestemming van Stichting FEMU om deze songtekst te tonen.
De songteksten mogen niet anders dan voor privedoeleinden gebruikt worden, iedere andere verspreiding van de songteksten is niet toegestaan.