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Will.i.am - Girlfriend

I`m gonna tell your boyfriend (yeah)
Tell him (woo hoo)
Exactly what we`re doin` (yeah)
Tell him what you do to me
Late at night when the wind is free

I`m gonna show your boyfriend (yeah)
Show him (woo hoo)
The letters I`ve been savin` (yeah)
Show him how you feel inside
An` how love could not be denied (oh no)

We`re gonna have to tell him
You`ll only be a girlfriend of mine
Do-doot-do, etc.

You better tell your boyfriend (yeah)
Tell him (woo hoo)
Exactly what we`re doin` (yeah)
Tell him what he needs to know
Or he may never let you go

We`re gonna have to tell him
You`ll only be a girlfriend of mine
Doo-doot-do, etc.
(Ad lib to fade)

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