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The Wanted - The Weekend

I just want you for the weekend
I need you like the beat inside my head
I just want you for the weekend
I know I’m gonna see your face again

Come here right now girl
I’ll make you sweat like you've worked out
Then we’ll down a drink or two
You won’t know what I’ll put you through

I just want you for the weekend
I need you like the beat inside my head
I just want you for the weekend
I know I’m gonna see your face again

Let’s get down and some more
Then we’ll take it to the floor
So make your body close to mine
Girl you’re looking fine
Now for the last time
I just want you for the weekend
I need you like the beat inside my head
I just want you for the weekend
I know I’m gonna see your face again

Come here right now girl
I’ll make you sweat like you've worked out
Then we’ll down a drink or two
You won’t know what I’ll put you through

I just want you for the weekend
I need you like the beat inside my head
I just want you for the weekend
I know I’m gonna see your face again

I know I’m gonna see your face again
I know I’m gonna see your face again

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