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Priscilla Ahn - Lullaby

Here's a lullaby, for anyone who wants to fly, from there home town
Where people drown and where the town leaves die
This old library has thrity books and one dictionary
But that's okay, no one reads anyway we all watch tv

So heres your lullaby
No boy, don't cry, just rest your head and go to bed
Your time will come to fly away
Never a day just dream your life away, sleep
All the dogs will die
They just cant seem to stay alive
'Cause in this town our cop shoots him down
And we just let him go inside

Please God, please what happened to our dreams
We're losing, hope so we invest in dope
To feel our vacant feelings

So heres your lullaby
No girl, don't cry, just rest your head and go to bed
Your time will come to fly away
Never a day just dream your life away, sleep

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