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Kodaline - Way Back When

We never had that much to do
So we just lay around in someone's house
Someday I'll have it all again just like way back when

Back then we'd sleep until the afternoon
Then we'd just get up and go outside
Open a window, let the breeze blow in, forget everything

Yeah, those will be the days that I'll be missing
When I'm old and when I'm grey and when I stop working
I hope that I can say when all my days are done, we were just having fun

Well we'd go drinking in the afternoon
Lie out on the grass and fall asleep
Oh, will I ever see that girl again, the girl from way back when?
Yeah, we used to share a cigarette
And throw together everything we had
And then go driving in my parents' car
We never strayed too far

Oh, yeah, those will be the days that I'll be missing
When I'm old and when I'm grey and when I stop working
I hope that I can say when all my days are done that I had my fun

(One, two, three, four)
Those will be the days that I had my fun

Yeah, time can move so fast
Some things aren't made to last
So here's to you, my dear old friend
From way back when

Yeah, those will be the days that I'll be missing
When I'm old and when I'm grey and when I stop working
I hope that I can say when all my days are done that I had my fun

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