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Lucas Hamming - Be With You

There's gotta be some therapy
To get over all the shit I'm feeling
Keeping up appearances
Just to cover up the mess you're leaving

I'm not getting over you
If you keep changing on a dime love
Am I wrong? Am I right?
Don't wanna change my point of view
But you're the one who lit the fire
I got nothing more to say to you
Girl you got me so confused
I don't understand the things you do
But I wanna be with,
I wanna be with you

Gotta find a remedy
'Cause the words you say seem so appealing
So damn close to losing it
I'm about to fall and hit the ceiling

I'm not getting over you
May I remind you that we tried once?
Am I wrong? Am I right?
We gotta change our point of view
But who's the one to start the fire?

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