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Lucas Hamming - Watch And Learn

Something's still the matter, girl
But I don't wanna talk
Can't you see the writing on the wall?
I'm afraid to be alone
Especially with you

I've had my share of suffering
But I never ran away
It seems to me there's more to blame than me
I'm about to lose control
And throw it all away

Watch and learn
Wait to see
I'm all I am
You'll never change me
Count to ten
I'll tell you where
I'm a fool
Spice my up
Make it better
Change the rules
Stop the clock
It doesn't matter
We gotta choose
We gotta talk
It's now or never

Nothing seems to important now
All is said and done
We only had to turn up for the jump
I will change the way I am
But I'll never be like you

Watch and learn
Wait to see
I'm all I am
You'll never change me
Count to ten
I'll tell you where

I'm a fool
Spice my up
Make it better
Change the rules
Stop the clock
It doesn't matter
We gotta choose
We gotta talk
It's now or never
It's now or never
It's now or never
It's now or never

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