D-devils - Final Countdown
The D-Devils have now taken over control!
It’s time for the final countdown!
Stop the music!
The game`s over...
You will now have to challenge time...
And open the gates to a new era.
An era of unstoppable raves and never-ending beats.
Get ready for the countdown!
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ZERO!!!
The future is now!!!
The future is now!!!
The D-Devils have now taken over control!
It’s time for the final countdown!
It’s time for the final countdown!
Stop the music!
The game`s over...
You will now have to challenge time...
And open the gates to a new era.
An era of unstoppable raves and never-ending beats.
Get ready for the countdown!
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ZERO!!!
The future is now!!!
The future is now!!!
The D-Devils have now taken over control!
It’s time for the final countdown!
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