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Vertaling van: De Poema's - Gewoon Maar Wat Op Weg

I never know what to say
Because I never know how I'm doing
Don't know what is possible
Or what I should do
I'm just messing around
I can't stay, I can't leave
I'd rather just wander around a bit
No idea where I'll end up

I know no where and no when
No yesterday, no tomorrow
Just today and then never again
Calm says my head
But I don't sit still for a second

I'm just on my way
On a journey without a destination
Just on the road
Some kind of goal
I'm just on my way
Strictly forbidden to look for you
Because it has to go the way it goes
Just on the road

Few dreams, no expectations
Oh well, you know how that goes
You stare blindly at the packaging while the contents elude you
I can't keep quiet
Never say anything
So I just stare into space
I do not have an example
Don't look for something to hold on to
Don't live in someone else's story
I am myself and no one else
Because it suits me best
Calm says my head
But I don't sit still for a second

I'm just on my way
On a journey without a destination
Just on the road
Some kind of goal
I'm just on my way
Strictly forbidden to look for you
Because it has to go the way it goes
Just on the road

In thoughts on the wind
Until I find my way to you again
Chasing all my doubts
Until I finally stand before you

I'm just on my way
On a journey without a destination
Just on the road
Some kind of goal
I'm just on my way
Strictly forbidden to look for you
I'm just on my way
Because it has to go the way it goes
Just on the road