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Coldplay - Ghost Story

Maybe I'm just a ghost
Disappear when anybody's close
Go through you when you try to hold
Try to hold me near

Maybe I'm just a ghost
Emptier than anybody knows
Maybe I'm on the ropes
Or I'm not even here


Everytime I try to walk through walls
More walls appear
What's the point of feeling love for you
When you don't believe I'm here?
What's the point of trying to raise your voice
If no one ever hears?
Everytime I try to pull you close
You disappear

Maybe I'm a ghost
Just a whisper in a puff of smoke
A secret that nobody knows
No one will ever hear

Or maybe I'm a ghost
A spectre on a rollercoaster
A thorn without a rose
Just something people fear


And everytime I thought I'd walk through walls
It's all becoming clear
What's the point in feeling love for you
When you don't believe I'm here?
What's the point in saying 'Rescue me!'
If no one ever hears?
Every time I try to pull you close
You disappear
Every time I try to pull you close
You disappear

And everytime I thought I'd walk through walls
It's all becoming clear
Everytime I try to pull you close
You disappear
Everytime I try to pull you close
You disappear

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Based on your geographical location [US] we, on request of our licencer, unfortunately can't give you access to the lyrics.

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