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Vertaling van: Veldhuis & Kemper - Incovient Trut

There was a time when we knew exactly where we stood
God created man and woman
And everything was good

Monday afternoon half past two
I wash the last (laundry) basket
Then quickly along the beds
And the house is tidied up again

We vlogen naar de maan en teruf
Vochten zij aan zij in (Viet)'nam
Bedachte wapens en Cadillacs
En hielden onze vrouwen dom

I can have one egg cake today
But smoke a cigarette
Throw it away half way
Otherwise she'll smell it

Toen waren daar de 70er jaren
Ze eisten vrij te zijn
En dramden om vrouwenrechten
Veranderden alles wat was

Here I am I'm a man
Why doesn't it feel that way
Want in het nieuwe millenium
Moest alle manlijkheid verdwijnen

We hebben ze gegeven wat ze wilden
Het is een ongemakkelijke waarheid
We have changed
Niemand vraagt zich af
Thanks to Ophra, Dokter Ruth
Na jaren en jaren vechten
Hebben zij gewonnen en zetten ons achteruit
De man became half woman
Ergens op een of andere manier
We traded places
Ik wil mijn mannelijkheid terug

You look like two bitches
Is this what it brought us
What's left of
the stronger sex

Kijk wat je gedaan hebt
Je bent een ongemakkelijke trut
All that's left
Is the man as fall guy

It's going too far, you don't get it
This was never the plan
Er is geen excuus, het is te laat
Kijk eens wat er van ons geworden is

We hebben ze gegeven wat ze wilden
Het is een ongemakkelijke waarheid
We have changed
Niemand vraagt zich af
Thanks to Ophra, Dokter Ruth
Na jaren en jaren vechten
Hebben zij gewonnen en zetten ons achteruit
And the richest man on earth is
A woman and she is black
It's time for a chat
The balance between us is completely upset
You listened but didn't hear the question
Take a good look at yourself and what do you think
'Cause we wanted more women
But no less man

We would like to
But we can't go back
The man lies beaten waxed on his back
A bag full of diluted testosterone
We want to putt
But from which well

Take us and claim us, take care of us totally
Lead us, set us free and think we're special

It's in the genes
But wrong in our heads
The Y chromosome appears to be completely numb
Manhood back with the pride of a peacock
But where is the elasticity in the pride of a woman
Touch us, entertain us, take care of us totally
Give us, experience us and think we're special

Unleash the beast in you
Just be a guy again
Like a man's wife was used to until recently
Throw your laundry in the corner
Your socks loose in the drawer
Don't follow your head anymore
But follow your dick

Touch us, entertain us, take care of us totally
Give us, experience us and find us special

Give us a blow job

Understand us

Take care of us totally

know us

spoil us
And think we're special

So here the man is left
With one more question to conclude
When we put the pants back on
Then you take it off