Alle vertalingen van Cure
De band debuteerde in 1979 met het album Three Imaginary boys. De eerste single, Killing an Arab, zorgde al meteen voor controverse vanwege het vermeende racistische karakter van het nummer. In feite was Lees verder...
- 10.15 saturday night
- A Forest
- Accuracy
- Apart
- Bloodflowers
- Boys Don't Cry
- Catch
- Charlotte Sometimes
- Close to me
- Cut here
- Disintegration
- Doing The Unstuck
- End
- Fascination Street
- Friday I'm in love
- From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea
- High
- How Beautiful you Are
- If Only Tonight we could Sleep
- In between days
- Jumping someone else's train
- Jupiter Crash
- Just like heaven
- Killing An Arab
- Last Dance
- Lovesong
- Lullaby
- Mint Car
- Open
- Perfect girl
- Pictures of you
- Piggy in the Mirror
- Speak My Language
- The Dream
- The Kiss
- The Last Day of Summer
- The Lovecats
- The Only One
- The Same Deep Water As You
- There is no if...
- This is a Lie
- To Wish Impossible Things
- Wendy Time
- Why can't I be you?
- Wrong Number