Alle vertalingen van Regina Spektor
- 20 years of snow
- Another town
- Apres moi
- Aquarius
- B Y O S
- Baby Jesus
- Back of a truck
- Baobabs
- Bartender
- Better
- Bon idee
- Braille
- Buildings
- Carbon Monoxide
- Chemo limo
- Daniel Cowman
- December
- Fidelity
- Genius next door
- Ghost of corporate future
- Hotel Song
- Just like the movies
- Music box
- Oedipus
- On the radio
- Poor little richboy
- Raindrops
- Rejazz
- Samson
- Summer in the city
- The Call
- The consequence of sounds
- The soup
- Uh-merica
- US
- Your honor